New Features - Version 6.171

  • 2025 Federal, State and Local Withholding Tax Rates have been updated.
  • 2024 Federal Tax Forms: The W2, W3, 1099-NEC, 1096 and 944 Federal Forms are updated and available to View or Print.

End of version 6.171 changes

New Features - Version 6.17

  • Periodic Financial Report New Features:
    • Collapse/Expand Feature: The User will now have the ability to Collapse or Expand specific Internal or Expense Categories, Groups or Loans in their Sections. This is especially useful when only Totals are needed for a sub-Section.

      To use this Feature: Double-click inside Column 1 on a Category, Group or Loan Name row. The "+" or "-" at the beginning of the Row indicates the current Collapsed state. Double-clicking again will reverse the action. This setting will affect both the ON-SCREEN and PRINTED Reports.
    • Collapse/Expand GIF

    • Show Totals Above Sections: When on the Report SETUP window, click the "Show Totals at Top" box if you prefer to see the Totals shown above rather than below sections. This setting will affect both the ON-SCREEN and PRINTED Reports.
    • Totals at Top GIF

    • Show Column Lines: When on the Report SETUP window, click the "Show Column Lines" box if you prefer to have the table Column Lines visible on the PRINTED Report. This setting will NOT affect the ON-SCREEN Report.
    • Column Lines GIF

  • Checkbook Schedule: A new setting is available which prevents the Checkbook Schedule from automatically popping-up when opening the Checkbook window. To utilize this feature, un-check the box labeled "Auto-Open When Due" on the Schedule window.
  • Hide Schedule GIF

  • Delete Backups: Backups may now be selectively deleted by the user.
    To Delete a Backup:
    • Click the RESTORE box next to the applicable Backup Category
    • Select the Backup Row that is to be deleted fron the Backup List either by Right-Clicking the Row, or by using the Arrow keys on your keyboard. The Backup Row should then be hilited. If you do not see the Backup List, then click the Drop-down arrow button on the right side of the Yellow Box.
    • Confirm the Deletion.
    • Delete Backup
  • Payroll State/Local Tax Liability Report: This Report will show the Summary of State and/or Local Tax Withholdings for the Period.
    To View/Print this Report:
    • Click the Reports button on the Payroll window
    • Select "State/Local Liability"
    • Specify the Period for the Report.
  • Checkbook Field Sequencing: When Posting or Editing a Transaction, the first accessed field is now the Date/Calendar rather than the Payee or Transaction #. Use the keyboard Arrow keys to select the applicable Date, then press the keyboard Enter key to sequence to the next field.
    To modify the Transaction #, either click on it with the Mouse pointer, or press the keyboard UP Arrow when in the $ Amount box.
  • Improved Calendar function: The keyboard Arrow keys can now be used to change the Day or Month when using the Calendar. This applies to the Left, Right, Up and Down keys.
  • 2024 Federal Tax Forms Available: The W2, W3, 1099-NEC and 1096 Federal Forms are updated and available to View or Print.
  • End of version 6.17 changes

    New Features - Version 6.161

    Minor adjustments made to version 6.16 including:

    • Improved Statement of Activities Report Printing
    • Memo field consistency on Bank Transfers

    New Features - Version 6.16

    • Click HERE to watch VIDEO about New Features and Changes
    • New MEMO field on Checkbook: A Memo field has been added as an option to Transaction entries. The Memo is most commonly used for Printed Paper Checks. Each time a Transaction is posted in the Checkbook, you will have the option to include up to a 25 character Memo/Note. Look for the Memo just above the Detail Transaction COMMENT box when Posting. The Memo can also be displayed in the Checkbook Register in the Payee column by clicking the SETUP button and choosing the applicable option. When Printing Paper Checks, up to 3 Memos can be selected to print on the Check surface. Temp Memo
    • Bank Transaction Report Changes: Several new and updated features including:
      • New Memo column can be viewed and is also included in the Sort box.
      • Columns can be selectively turned "ON" or "Off" by clicking the applicable box.
      • $ Amount filter has been added.
      • Payroll/Non-Payroll boxes have been added.
      • Bank Accounts, Payees and Transaction Type drop-down filters now have multi-selection available.

      Click Here for more information about the Bank Transaction Report
    • Statement of Activities Report Changes: You can now Double-Click the columns/cells of this Report to see more Detail including Lists of Transactions.
    • Computer Names: When using the Backup/Restore feature, you now have the option to assign Computer Names to each Serial # in order to make it easier to determine the Source of Cloud Backups when Restoring. This is especially useful when 3 or more computers have made Cloud Backups.

      To Manage the list of Computer Names: Click the "Manage Computer Names" button.(located at lower-Right of Backup/Restore screen)
      Computer Names
      To View Computer Names when Restoring: Click the "Show Computer Names" box.(located in upper-Right of Restore List)
      Computer Names
    • Remove Payees w/No Activity feature: The Payee list often becomes very bloated after a few years and will contain numerous names that are no longer needed. There is now a quick method to remove these obsolete names.
      To do so:
      • Click the SETUP button on the Checkbook screen
      • Select PAYEE LIST
      • Click FIND PAYEES WITH NO ACTIVITY button. (located at the lower-right).
        Payees with NO ACTIVITY for the current or previous Fiscal Years will appear in RED on the list.
      • To Delete ALL Payees marked in Red, RIGHT-CLICK the DELETE PAYEE button on the RIGHT side of the screen.
      • To Keep one or more of the Payees marked in Red, Double-click the Name in the List Before Right-Clicking the DELETE PAYEE button.
    • Contribution RECALL feature: Previous Contributions can now be quickly Recalled and used again without the need to click the RECALL button. After selecting a Donor name, you will see the previous Donations listed in the upper-right area in place of the RECALL button. Either press the RIGHT ARROW key on the keyboard or CLICK one of the lines in the Recall box to quickly Re-post the Donation entries made previously for the current date.
      Click here for more info

    End of version 6.16 changes

    New Features - Version 6.151

    • Nazarene Benefits: The General Church of the Nazarene has changed the name of the "Pensions and Benefits" Fund to "Nazarene Benefits". This change will be reflected on your 24/25 Allocations Report and 24/25 Annual Report.
    • Allocation % changes: The General Church of the Nazarene has modified the Allocation % for the Nazarene Benefits Fund and the Educational Institution Fund. The new percentage amounts are:
      Nazarene Benefits: 2.00%
      Educational Institution: 2.50%
      These changes will be reflected on the 24/25 Allocation Report.
    • Payroll:
      • 2024 941 updated: The Federal Quarterly 941 Form has been updated by the IRS. It has been reduced from 3 pages back to 2, as it was pre-2020. The 941 window has also been updated to accomodate these changes.
      • State Tax Tables updated: Several States have updated their Income Tax Withholding tables.

    End of version 6.151 changes

    New Features - Version 6.15

    • Payroll:
      • 2023 Federal Tax Forms updated: The W-2/W-3, 1099-NEC/1096, and 944 Forms have been updated and can be printed DIRECTLY FROM YOUR PRINTER (no Blank forms needed).
          Click on Form below for Instructions about Preparing and Printing:
        • W-2/W-3 Form
        • 1099-NEC/1096 Form
        • 944 Form
          Note: Most churches do NOT use the Annual 944 Form, but will use the Quarterly 941 Form instead.
      • 2024 Federal and State Tax Withholding tables have been updated. There are a few States who have not yet released tables for the new year. Until they do, the previous year tables will be used.
      • Re-calculate Taxes button: This is a new button that appears in the Tax Withholdings section of a Paycheck. This button can be clicked at any time. If the button changes color to YELLOW, then this indicates that changes have been made to the BEFORE-TAX amounts and Taxes need to be Re-calculated.
      • Payroll Pending Status change: Employees with PENDING status, will now show that Status on the RIGHT side of the screen as well. The History will not be viewable while the Status is PENDING.
    • NEW BANK TRANSFER feature. A new transaction type has been added for handling situations where funds are transferred from one Bank Account to another.

      Click Here for Bank Transfer Instructions
    • Running Balance option when viewing Internal or Expense Account Balances. After clicking the VIEW ACCT BALANCES button, DOUBLE-CLICK inside the BALANCE column on the applicable row. The Report generated will include the RUNNING BALANCE column.

      This column can also be viewed on the DETAIL TRANSACTION Report screen by first Selecting the applicable Category/(Group)/Account in the Filter area, and then Clicking the SHOW BALANCE box.
    • Checkbook AUTO FILL-IN feature: When Posting Checkbook transactions, the Detail Transactions area will Automatically Fill-in after entering the Transaction AMOUNT, and then pressing the ENTER key. You will still be able to make selections on each Row as usual.
    • NEW HELP MENU feature: Click the "?" button located at the upper-right corner of most NTS screens to see the Help Menu. Click on a Topic to see instructions. Many of the new Help Topics now have VIDEOS that can be watched.

    End of version 6.15 changes

    New Features - Version 6.14934/3/2

    This version replaces 6.14932-3 with a few bug fixes along with the Features below.

    • Merge Duplicate Contributor Names function has been updated.
      Click Here for instructions.
    • Contributions Names Setup screen updated. The layout has been improved and the Filter options have been expanded.
      Click Here for instructions.
    • Setup Expense Accounts screen updated with simplified User interface, New Expense List Options, and New Expense Planner(formerly BUDGET PLANNER) Options.
      Click Here for Expense Acct List instructions.
      Click Here for Expense Planner instructions.
    • Setup Bank/Internal Accounts screen updated with simplified User interface, which includes a New Account List Options button, New + ADD LINE button and a Print button/feature.
      Click Here for Bank/Internal Acct List instructions.
    • 941 Form updated for 2023 1st quarter with only minor changes.
    • State Tax Tables updated West Virginia, Colorado and Oregon.

    End of version 6.14932 changes

    New Features - Version 6.1493

    • Backup/Restore: The Backup/Restore screen has been redesigned and new functionality has been added.

      • Contributions, Checkbook and ALL-DATA have separate START buttons and Backup/Restore boxes.
      • The SERIAL # is shown to aid in distinguishing which computer originated the Backup.
      • The ALL DATA Backup can be saved to the CLOUD.
      • Cloud Backups can be marked as "Private", which prevents access by other users on your account.
      • The Dates can be set for a SPECIFIC DATE RANGE on Contributions Backups. This will allow only donations within the range to be replaced.
      • Automatic Backups take place when the user exits the Contributions and Checkbook screens.
      • Restore Options: The user will be presented a list of Backups to choose from when Restoring. This list will include Manual and Automatic Backups made from other users/computers on the account.

      NOTE: Previous versions of NTS WILL NOT be able to Restore from Backups made with this new version. Please update ALL computers that have NTS installed if you need to transfer data between them using the Backup/Restore feature.

      Click Here for complete Backup instructions.

      Click Here for complete Restore instructions.

    • Payroll changes:
      • 2022 Federal Tax Forms updated: The W-2/W-3, 1099-NEC/1096, and 944 Forms have been updated and can NOW BE PRINTED DIRECTLY FROM YOUR PRINTER (no Blank forms needed).
        In previous years it was necessary to order pre-printed Blank forms from the IRS for the 1099-NEC/1096 and 944 Forms, but this is NO LONGER necessary. We have been given permission from the IRS to print these Federal forms in their entirety.
      • Re-calculate Taxes button: This is a new button that appears in the Tax Withholdings section of a Paycheck. This button can be clicked at any time. If the button changes color to YELLOW, then this indicates that changes have been made to the BEFORE-TAX amounts and Taxes need to be Re-calculated.
      • Payroll Pending Status change: Employees with PENDING status, will now show that Status on the RIGHT side of the screen as well. The History will not be viewable while the Status is PENDING.

      Click here for instructions about preparing/printing the Federal W-2/W-3 Forms.

      Click here for instructions about preparing/printing the Federal 1099-NEC/1096 Forms.

      Click here for instructions about preparing/printing the Federal 944 Form.

    • Monthly Report (Periodic Financial Report): The Contributions section has several new options. Click the SETUP REPORT vertical tab to view/edit these options.
      • EFT Selecting this option will itemize the EFT donations separately.
      • Only Include Tax-Deductible Selecting this option restricts the report to only these type of donations.
      • Only Include Non-Exempt Income Selecting this option restricts the report to only these type of donations.
      • Show Exempt Income separately Selecting this option itemizes these type of donations.
    • Annual Report The General Church of the Nazarene has revised the Annual Report format. This new format has been added to the list of available Annual Reports. This new Report is titled "Church Finances" and should be used when submitting your reports in 2023 for the 2022 Fiscal Year. The previous Report was titled "Financial Summary" and should no longer be used.
      In order to access the new report, you will need to go to the CHECKBOOK screen first so that the report can load the required information.
      You will need to Re-Link your Checkbook Expense Accounts to the updated Annual Report rows.
      Click Here for instructions

    End of version 6.1493 changes

    6.1492-New Features

    • Monthly Report (Periodic Financial Report)

      The Contributions section can now be sorted by AMOUNT. (Current Period or Year-to-Date)
      The order will be from Highest to Lowest.
      • Click the SETUP REPORT vertical tab.
      • Click the BY AMOUNT and/or YTD box in the Contribution settings.

    • Annual Report Income FUND Detail can be viewed.

      To View the Income FUND Detail: (VIEW REPORT tab selected)
      • Click the SHOW FUNDS box. (upper part of window)
      • Double-click the AMOUNT next to the FUND to see the Detail.
      • The Detail box will appear in YELLOW.

    • Payroll screen redesigned/updated. The process for Creating New Payroll checks will look a little different, but functions much the same. There are a couple of new columns for Employees and a new "CREATE NEW PAYROLL" button.

      Click Here to view the Payroll changes.

    • 941 Form updated for 2022 2nd quarter.

      Very minor changes were made which will not affect most churches.(a few lines removed)
      The form will now have a June 2022 revision date.
      If you have already printed the 2022 2nd quarter form, then you DO NOT need to reprint using the 6/2022 revision.

    End of version 6.1492 changes

    New Features for Version 6.1491

    Contribution Import Feature has been updated:
    The requirement to select an Online Vendor format has been eliminated. This feature is much more flexible and can even MERGE Contribution data from one computer to another

    In order to import Contribution information, you will first need to create a CSV data file containing this information. If you are wanting to import from an Online Donations Platform, then use their EXPORT or REPORT option to create this file. Make sure to Save the file to a familiar Location on your computer (ie. the DOCUMENTS folder). You can also create a CSV data file by selecting the EXPORT option on the Contributions DETAIL REPORT screen. You will need a minimum of 3 columns of information in this file: NAME, DATE, AMOUNT. Other columns that could be imported are: FUND, SERVICE, FEE, TYPE, #, INCOME EXEMPTION, COMMENT. The Contributions import process will not overwrite or delete any existing entries, but will MERGE the imported data with the existing data.

    To use the Contribution Import feature:

    • Select the SERVICE for imported donations(optional)
      This is the SERVICE that will be used for the imported data unless the Service is specified in the Import file.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Click the IMPORT button
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Select the import FILE from the File selection box then click OK. (this box may take up to 10-15 seconds to appear)
    • The Import summary will appear next. Make Note of the STATUS column on each line of data:
      • PENDING This line is ready to be posted although changes could be made prior to posting.
      • CANCEL The user has chosen to skip this line of data and it will not be posted.
      • DUPLICATE This line of data appears to be a duplicate entry for one that already exists for this Donor and will not be posted.
      • ERROR This line has missing or erroneous data that must be corrected before it could be posted.
      • POSTED This line of data has been successfully posted into the Donations register.

      • Nazarene Treasury System
    • To change PENDING/CANCEL/DUPLICATE Status: Click inside the STATUS column and select the desired Status from the menu.
    • To make corrections to an ERROR status line: Click on a RED box on the line and make necessary changes.(see below)
    • To make Changes to Data: Do one or more of the following:
      • Select a Donor Name: Click in the NAME(ON DONOR LIST) column and select the Donor name to use for this line of data.
        For example: if the Import file lists the Donor as "Bill Smith" and the NTS Donor name list has him listed as "William Smith", then select "William Smith" in this column. You will be prompted to use "William Smith" in the future when the Import file lists "Bill Smith" as the Donor. Select OK if you want to do that.
        If you would rather ADD the Donor name to the NTS Donor Name List,(because there is not a corresponding name there), then choose the ADD TO NAMES LIST option.
        Nazarene Treasury System
      • Specify Donation Date: Click the Date to make changes. Select the desired Date on the Popup calendar.
      • Select a Fund: Click in the FUND(ON FUND LIST) column and select the Fund name to use for this line of data. If you want to add the Fund name to the Fund list, then choose the ADD TO FUND LIST option.
      • Specify the Donation Amount: Click the Amount column and make any necessary changes.
      • Specify the Fee Amount:(optional) Click the Fee column and make any necessary changes.
      • Select the Transaction Type: Click in the TYPE column and select from the Menu.
      • Specify the Transaction #:(optional) Click the # column and make any necessary changes. This is typically used for CHECK #.
      • Select a Service: Click in the SERVICE column and select the Service name to use for this line of data.
      • Specify if Income Exempt:(optional) Double-Click inside column to change the Exempt status.
      • Specify Comment:(optional) Type a Comment into this column if needed. Import files may contain unnecessarliy long Comments. Shorten or delete these before Posting.
    • To POST donations: Click the POST PENDING DONATIONS button. This will post all lines with the PENDING status. After Posting, the status will change to POSTED.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • To Print: Click the Printer icon in the upper-right to print the list of Imported donations.
    • To Close the Import window: Click the X button in the upper-right corner.

    VIEW Features: Click the VIEW button in the upper-right area to access the following features:

    • File Data: The raw file data will appear in a table format. The information on this screen can be modified/corrected.
    • Name Links: A list of the Import File Donor Names that have been linked to a specific NTS Donor Name will appear. To delete a Link, click on the Link and then press the DELETE button on the computer keyboard.
    • Fund Links: A list of the Import File Funds that have been linked to a specific NTS Fund will appear. To delete a Link, click on the Link and then press the DELETE button on the computer keyboard.

    Periodic Financial Report The sections of this Report can now be printed in a User-defined order/sequence.

    • Select the Report Format (not FULL or SUMMARIZED)
    • Click the SETUP REPORT tab
    • Click and Drag the sections up or down the list to specify the order.

    Nazarene Treasury System

    Payroll History changes: The Payroll history button has been slightly re-located and the History table has been expanded to include more information. Click the button to view a list of all the Payroll entries for an Employee.
    Nazarene Treasury System
    Nazarene Treasury System

    NTS Onscreen Invoice: Some users were not able to see the NTS Invoice on their screen. This issue has been resolved and the Invoices should now be visible.

    End of version 6.1491 changes

    New Features for Version 6.149

    2022 941 Federal Tax Form has been updated: The IRS has made more changes to the now very lengthy 941 form. Because this form is so long, we have changed the 941 screen to move the most commonly used lines/boxes to the upper portion of the window.

    This means that the screen will not look exactly like the printed form.

    This should make the window much more relevant and easy to access for most users. Don't worry, you will still be able to print the EXACT forms to mail in.

    The form will print on 3 separate pages(no back-side printing) with an option to print a Payment Voucher.

    The information on this form is calculated based on Payroll entries. However, most of the boxes can be modified manually. IF an amount has been modified by the user, the box color will change to YELLOW.

    To Re-calculate or RESET the form information, click the CALCULATE button in the upper-right area of the window.

    To see the detailed itemization of boxes 1,2,3,5a-e,6 or 16(all), Double-Click the box.

    To see ALL of the detailed itemizations used to calculate the form, RIGHT-CLICK the CALCULATE button.

    To view IRS 941 Instructions ->

    Note: 941 should NOT be filed if the only employee(s) are ministers and no Federal income tax has been withheld. The minister's information will not appear on the 941 unless they are setup to have Federal Income taxes voluntarily withheld.
    If you want to include the Minister on the 941 even though no Federal income taxes are withheld, then you will need to add the Federal Income Tax to the Minister's Payroll.
    Click the TAX EXEMPT box if you do not want to actually withhold the tax.

    Printer Problems: If your printer is not printing the 941 forms correctly or is printing blank pages, you may have an incompatibility problem with your Printer drivers. A good work-around solution is to print to the MICROSOFT PDF PRINTER first. This will create a PDF file that you can print on your printer.

    • Click the PRINT 941 button.
    • Select the MICROSOFT PRINT TO PDF printer from the Printer Dialog, then click OK
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Select the DOCUMENTS folder and then type the File name "941" and click SAVE
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Open the FILE EXPLORER app
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Select the DOCUMENTS folders and then DOUBLE-CLICK the 941.PDF file name/icon.
      Nazarene Treasury System

      The 941 form will appear on the screen. (may take several seconds) Click the Printer icon and then choose your NORMAL Printer from the Printer Dialog window. (Do not select MICROSOFT PRINT TO PDF again)

    WHERE TO MAIL THE 941: Click here for 941 mailing locations.

    End of version 6.149 changes

    New Features for Version 6.148

    • 2022 Federal, State and Local Tax tables updated. Some States and Localities have still not updated their tables although most have.
    • 2021 W2/W3 Forms have been updated and are ready to be printed. These will print on plain white paper, including Copy A that will be sent to the SSA.
      How to print Forms W-2 and W-3
    • 2021 1099-NEC/1096 have also been updated. It is necessary to order the BLANK RED forms in advance from the IRS at:
      Usually takes 5-10 days to receive them. We recommend that you order 2-3 times the number of these forms that you expect to need.

      Scroll down the page and type the # of forms that you need. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ADD TO CART button and then procede to finish your order.
      How to print Forms 1099 and 1096
      Only Copy A of the 1099-NEC and the 1096 are printed on these blank forms. The black blank forms that are included can be discarded since Copies B,C,1 and 2 of the 1099-NEC are now printed on white paper. The RED Copy A and 1096 are only 8" wide after separating them from the perforation.(instead of 8.5") So it is very important that the LEFT side of these forms be loaded into the printer on the LEFT side of the tray. You will be prompted to confirm/modify the Left margin setting, if necessary for alignment.
    • Payroll Time-Off features have been enhanced. You will see the modified information at the bottom of the Payroll checks and on the Time-Off section of Payroll Setup. Some users may need to adjust the Time-Off hours balance if there were previous discrepancies. Click here for instructions.

    New Features for Version 6.147

    Updated Cloud Backup feature

    New Features for Version 6.146

    • Contribution Detail Report: Several new features listed below:
      • Sort Order: Double-Click the Column Title or in the Sort Order box to change the ascending/descending status of the column. This also applies to the Receipts Report screen.
      • Check # Search: To search/filter for a Check #, type the desired # into the box next to TYPE #.
        Nazarene Treasury System
      • Comment Search: To search/filter for a specific Comment, type into the box below COMMENT.
    • Export Column Titles: To include the Field Column Titles, check the box.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Ohio State Income Tax table update: Tables have been updated and should be applied to Payroll withholdings after 9/1/2021. The withholding rate was reduced by 3%.

    End of Version 6.146 changes

    New Features for Version 6.145

    Cloud Backup: Changes/Upgrades to Security settings have been made. Prior versions to 6.145 will no longer have access to the Cloud Backup feature.

    Other Changes: A few minor changes have been made:

    • Monthly Report: The Loans section has been updated to include multiple payments made during the reporting period.
    • Checkbook: The Recall list for Checks/E-Checks will now include transactions from ALL Bank Accounts.
    • Checkbook: The Fiscal Year selection has been updated.

    End of Version 6.145 changes

    New Features for Version 6.144

    Checkbook changes: Correction made to Transaction order presentation. Some users experienced Check numbers out of order when posted on the same date. This has been remedied.

    Periodic Financial Report changes: A few updates have been made to the Expense Account section of this Report:

    • New Printed Format: The Expense section will now more closely resemble the on-screen presentation with a continuous grid rather than separated grids.
    • Exclusion Totals Option: If you have chosen to Exclude Expense/Internal Acct combinations, then you now have the option to either show the exclusions on each Expense line, or only show the Total at the end of the Expense section.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Hide Footer Option: Checking this option will eliminate the NTS logo on the lower right portion of the Printed Report.
      Nazarene Treasury System

    End of Version 6.144 changes

    New Features for Version 6.142/6.143

    Contributions changes:

    • Donor Names ACTIVE box: Click this box to only show ACTIVE Donors in the Donor list. Un-selecting it will show all Donors whether Active or InActive.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • TYPE selection: To use a specific TYPE when posting donations, click the preferred TYPE in the Donation Totals box. (upper-right) After doing so, this TYPE will be hilited and automatically be used for subsequent donations. To un-select the TYPE, click it again.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • ALL SERVICES button: Click this button to view donations for ALL SERVICES for the donor. Un-selecting it will only show donations for the selected Service.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • FUND selection: The Primary Fund used when posting donations is the FIRST one on the Active FUND list. After posting a different Fund twice in a row, then this will become the new Primary Fund until a different Fund is posted.
    • Updated Online donations IMPORT function: The user interface has been updated when importing online donations from a comma-separated file. To Import Online Donations:
      • Select the SERVICE for imported donations
        Nazarene Treasury System
      • Click the IMPORT button
        Nazarene Treasury System
      • Select the Online Import Vendor (or select "Generic/Other")
      • Click OK to confirm Service
      • Select the import FILE from the File selection box then click OK. (this box may take 10-15 seconds to appear)
      • If the window titled "Import Donor Name/Fund Links" appears, this means that one or more Donor names or Funds used by the Donor do not match an existing Name or Fund on the current list(s). You will need to select an existing Name/Fund from the drop-down menu if there is an associated person/fund. If there is no associated person/fund, click the "Add Name to List" button to Add as a new Donor/Fund. To skip a Donor/Fund, click the OK or Cancel button.
        The example below shows that the name "Bob Williams" was used by the donor when making the online donation. The Names list on the Contributions page has a Donor named "Robert Williams" who is the same person, so this name would be selected to "link" the two names. This link would be used for future imports.
        Nazarene Treasury System
      • The Import summary will appear next. Verify that all of the information is correct.
      • Click "Post Pending Donations" button. The STATUS column will indicate successfully imported donations. Nazarene Treasury System
      • Click the Print button if you would prefer to have a printed copy of the imported donations.
      • Close the Import window

      To make changes to the links for the Import Donor Names/Funds, click the SETUP button and select "Import Name/Fund Links" or click the "Edit Name/Fund Links" button on the Import Summary window. (see above)
      Nazarene Treasury System

    Checkbook changes: The Bank Transaction register layout has been updated/improved.

    • Column change: The Transaction Type has been moved to Column #1 followed by the Transaction # in Column #2. The user can reposition the columns by clicking and dragging the Column Title.
    • Transaction Order: The order that transactions are presented has been changed. Transactions will still be in DATE order primarily, but those with the same Dates will now be presented with the POSITIVE AMOUNTS preceding those with NEGATIVE AMOUNTS.
    • Sort Order Filter: A new Sort Filter ("+/-") has been added. It can be used to change the order of the Positive/Negative transaction amounts.
      Nazarene Treasury System
    • Register Column Sizes: When viewing the Reconciliation Report, the Bank Register column sizes will be slightly reduced so that they can all be seen to the right of the Report.

    Bank Transaction Report changes: The Sort Order feature will function similarly to the Sort feature on the Checkbook screen

    6.143: Minor changes to version 6.142.

    End of Version 6.142/6.143 changes

    New Features for Version 6.14

    941 Federal Tax Form: This Report has been updated for 2021 and has significant changes. The report is now 3 pages long and will print on 3 separate pages.(no back-side printing) Many new lines have been added, mostly involving the virus provisions enacted by the Federal government. These will not affect most churches. To view IRS 941 Instructions ->

    To see the detailed itemization of boxes 1,2,3,5a-e,6 or 16(all), Double-Click the box.

    The information on this form is calculated based on Payroll entries. However, most of the boxes can be modified manually. IF an amount has been modified by the user, the box color will change to YELLOW.

    To Re-calculate the form information, click the CALCULATE button in the upper-right area of the window.

    Note: 941 should NOT be filed if the only employee(s) are ministers and no Federal income tax has been withheld. The minister's information will not appear on the 941 unless they are setup to have Federal Income taxes voluntarily withheld.
    If you want to include the Minister on the 941 even though no Federal income taxes are withheld, then you will need to add the Federal Income Tax to the Minister's Payroll.
    Click the TAX EXEMPT box if you do not want to actually withhold the tax.

    941 Tax Liablility Report: Updated with more information. Use this report to determine the Amount of Federal taxes to pay.

    Reconciliation Report: The User interface and presentation have been updated. The requirement to press the "F9" key to access previous Reports has been eliminated.

    • Accessing the Report: There are 2 ways to initially view the report
      • Click REPORTS at the top of the Checkbook screen and then select RECONCILIATION REPORT. The most recent report will then be shown.
      • If Reconciliation Report window is not visible, Double-Click inside the Reconciliation column (R?) on a transaction line in the Bank register.(see #4 above) If a previously Reconciled transaction, then the report with that transaction will be shown. If the transaction was not Reconciled, then the most recent report will be shown. In either case, the Reconciled status of the transaction will not be changed at this point.
    • Selecting an existing Report: Click the Drop-down arrow next to the Date of the visible report and choose from the menu. (see #1)
    • Show Date that a transaction was Reconciled: Click the R? column on the transaction line. A box will appear showing the Date Reconciled. (see #4)
    • Finding a Reconciled Transaction: Click on the line in the Report. The transaction will be located and hilited in the Bank register. (see #3 & #4)
    • Selection Order Mode: To place the Report in a preferential order, Double-Click the line in the Report. The line will be shown in green and move up the list below the last item Selected. Double-clicking the same line will un-Select. Selections will not be saved after exiting the Report.
    • Report Options: Click the Report Options button to access the following features: (see #2 above)
      • Print Report: After selecting to Print, you will be asked if you want to include Non-Reconciled transactions. If chosen, then all transactions dated on or before this Report date that are not reconciled or that were reconciled on a report dated after this one, will be printed. The format of the printed report has been updated.
      • Create New Report: Select the date of the New Report on the Calendar that will appear.
      • Modify Report Date: To change the date of an existing Report, select the NEW date from the Calendar that appears.
      • Delete Report: Deletes the Report and Un-Reconciles all transactions on the Report.
      • Hide Selections: All Selected transactions will be un-selected (shown in white instead of green) and the list will return to normal order. This will not affect the Reconciled status of the transactions.
    • Reconcile/Un-Reconcile a transaction: This procedure remains the same. Double-Click inside the R? column on the transaction line.(see #4) This will add/remove the transaction to the Reconciliation Report. The AMOUNT and R? columns will appear in YELLOW when Reconciled.

    End of Version 6.14 changes

    New Features for Version 6.13

    2020 Federal Tax Forms 1099/1096: Adjustments made to match late changes to form position.

    Contribution Receipts: Option has been added to Print Labels or Envelopes. Right-Click the PRINT button to see this option, or you will see the option to Print the Labels/Envelopes after printing the Receipts.

    Contribution Screen Font Size: Option has been added to adjust the Font size of the Donor Name List. Use the RIGHT mouse button to click the Font Size adjustment arrows to use this feature. (See SCREEN FONT SIZES below for more info)

    New Features for Version 6.12

    Federal Tax Forms: The following forms have been updated for 2020:

    • W-2/W-3: NTS prints these forms in their entirety.
      How to print Forms W-2 and W-3
    • 1099-NEC/1096: The IRS has created a new 1099 form this year, the NEC-Non-Employee Compensation form, which replaces the 1099-MISC form. NTS prints the information on this form and the 1096 form, but does not print the blank forms. If you plan to print these forms, then you will need to order these from the IRS(they are free). The IRS will mail them to you. It usually takes about a week to 10 days to receive them. Here is the link to order these forms from the IRS: 1096/1099 Forms
      Scroll down the page and type the # of forms that you need (plan for a few extra just in case) in the 2020 column next to FORM 1099-NEC and FORM 1096. You will only need to submit one 1096 to the IRS. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ADD TO CART button and then procede to finish your order.
      How to print Forms 1099 and 1096
    • 944: This form has changed considerably since last year and is now 3 pages rather than 2. Most churches do not use this form, but if you do, then follow the instructions above for ordering them from the IRS, since NTS only prints the information on the forms, but not the form itself.
      How to print Form 944

    2021 Tax Tables: The Federal Tax tables have been updated and now include an option to use the 2020 or later W-4 form information for determining the correct table. Most State tables and some Local tables have also been updated. We will continue to monitor these tables for updates. If you are aware of changes to these tables that are not reflected in the NTS tables, then please let us know.

    Screen Sizes: The Checkbook and Contribution screens now take up the entire width of your screen. This was done in response to feedback about the text being too small and hard to read. If you prefer the narrower screen size, then click the RIGHT mouse button when selecting the CONTRIBUTIONS or CHECKBOOK icon.

    Screen Font Sizes: The Font size can be changed on the Checkbook and Contribution screens. To access this feature, click the SETUP button when on these screens, then click CHANGE FONT SIZE. An Up/Down arrow box will appear on the screen. Click either arrow to increase or decrease the font size. On the Contributions screen, the arrows will appear just above the SEARCH box in the upper left area of the screen.

    On the Checkbook screen, the arrows will appear in upper center area next to TRANSACTION REGISTER,

    and in the lower left area next to TRANSACTION DETAIL

    Checkbook-View Account Balances: This button has been enlarged and relocated just above the TRANSACTION DETAIL label at the lower left area of the screen. There are now 3 columns of information for the Expense and Internal Accounts. To see the transaction history for a particular account, Double-Click the TOTAL column next to the account.

    Contribution Reports:

    • Amount Filter: The Amount filter on the Donation Receipts and Detail Report now has the capability to specify an Amount greater and/or lesser than a value. Click the word AMOUNT to reset both values.
    • Income Exempt filter: Available on the Detail Report.

    End of Version 6.11 changes

    New Features for Version 6.10

    Contributions: The Contribution screen has been reorganized and several new functions have been added or enhanced.

    • Calendar: The location has been moved and the format has been changed to a Weekly layout. The full Calendar can be accessed by clicking the Down Arrow just above the SAT date. Selecting the ALL DATES box will show All Donations made for the Calendar year for the selected Donor.
    • Service Selection box: Use this box to select a specific Service to View or Post entries. Or choose ALL SERVICES to see all donations made to any Service.
    • New Donation Types: FEE CHARGED and FEE DONATED are added to the other Donation types and should be used when posting entries that have Fees associated. Make sure to use the "-" when posting a charged Fee. (ie. -3.75)
    • New Donation Totals Box: This box contains a summary of the Donations made on this Date or for all Dates in the Calendar Year based on the Status of the ALL DATES box, and for the selected Donor or for ALL DONORS. The upper half of the box displays the Totals for each Donation Type and includes the Total $ Donated and the Total $ Received. The lower half of the box displays the Totals for each Service and Fund.

      To see Service specific Fund Totals, click on the desired Service, or choose SERVICES TOTAL to see all. There are also 3 Selection boxes here that can be chosen that only affect the Service/Fund Totals.

      Selecting DONATED will exclude FEE CHARGED donations.
      Selecting RCVD will include the FEE CHARGED donations.
      Selecting GOODS will include non-$ donations.
    • New SPLIT FEES function: This feature allows the user to specify the amount of Fees CHARGED and PAID by the Donor, and then Proportionally applies them to the Funds donated. To use this feature, first post the normal donations to the applicable Funds,

      then make sure THIS DONOR is selected, then type the Fee amounts in the FEES DONATED and/or FEES CHARGED boxes,

      then click the SPLIT FEES button. (it will appear after changing the FEES DONATED/CHARGED amounts)
      Results appear below.

    Checkbook: The Contribution Fund Totals box (used for Auto-Post Deposits) has been redesigned and enhanced to allow greater flexibility in selecting donations to include in the Deposit. This box will automatically appear when posting or editing a Deposit. Donation information will be included for the most recent period based on the Deposit Date. Only Funds and Donation Types that have activity during this DONATION DATE RANGE will appear.


    • Select the Day(s) of Week, Donation Type(s) and Fund(s) by clicking on the desired item. Selected items will appear in GREEN. To un-Select, click item again. In this example, the following items are Selected: Date: Sunday 12/6, Types:(Check, Currency), Funds:(Tithe, Building Fund, Faith Promise).
    • Service(s) may also be selected by clicking the Drop-down arrow and clicking on the desired items in the list. The list of Services will only appear if there are at least 2 with activity.
    • Specify the Internal Acct Link for each Fund by clicking the column next to the Fund amount and then the Internal Acct list will appear. Then click the desired Internal Acct from the list. This selection will be remembered for future use.
    • Click the Auto-Post button to Post the Donation information into the Deposit.
    • NOTES:
      • To quickly select the entire Fiscal Year date range, click the DONATION DATE RANGE text. To quickly select the entire CALENDAR date range, Right-Click it.
      • If there are NEGATIVE $ amount donations for a Donation Type, then the $ Amount will end with an asterisk("*").
        If there are NEGATIVE $ amount donations for a FUND, then then Fund name will include the Donation Type and be enclosed in parentheses.
      • Individual Fund Amounts can be posted to the Deposit by RIGHT-CLICKING the Amount next to the Fund.

    Allocation Income Calculation: The new Donation Type, FEE CHARGED, will now be included in the Gross Income, resulting in a lower income total. The FEE CHARGED amount will be included even if the Fund that it impacts is NON-DEDUCTIBLE. To view these, click the drop-down arrow next to the GROSS INCOME box. Funds prefaced with an asterisk are NON-DEDUCTIBLE with FEE CHARGES.

    End of Version 6.10 changes

    New Features for Version 6.092

    Contributions Online Giving Import - Amounts over $1000 can now be imported.

    Payroll Vacation/Sick Correction - eliminated extraneous $ that were sometimes added to Time-Off calculations.

    New Features for Versions 6.06-6.091

    941 Form - 2020 Federal Form 941 has been updated.

    Payroll Stub - Vacation and Sick Cumulative Earned/Used time presentation updated.

    Contributor Receipts - User can now specify starting Receipt # and Vertical margin setting is now more functional.

    Contribution Fund and Service Setup Lists - Added "Active" column and ability to View Active and InActive Funds/Services.

    Periodic Financial Report - Enhanced Internal Account setting (Exclude $0 balance without activity)

    Payroll Check Information (Stub) - Added Vacation/Sick Pay Current Hours used.

    W2 Form (6.08) - Single Page printing for Copies B,C,D,1,2.

    Correction (6.07) - Auto-Backup Error message #3 has been fixed.

    Correction (6.06) - Payroll reports screens have been updated to enhance visibilty.

    New Features for Version 6.05

    2020 Tax Tables - Federal Tables and most State and Local tables have been updated and can now be used when generating Payroll checks.

    NOTE: MANY of the Local (City/County/School) tax rates have changed. Please check each employee to ensure that the correct Local table/rate is chosen.

    2019 W2/W3 Forms - Federal Forms are now available to print.

    New Features for Version 6.04

    Consolidated Backups - We have consolidated backups to two backups, Checkbook and Contributions. The Pledges are now included in Contributions and the Schedule and Loans are now part of the Checkbook backup.

    Automatic Backup to the Cloud - Automatic backups are now made to the cloud. This is optional and can be turned off in the Auto Backup Settings.

    Reconciliation Report Tweaks - Some minor changes we have made to the report include estimating the next report date and small changes to the printed report. The date of the register balance will now always be the same as the report date, even if there are transactions reconciled that are dated after the report end date.

    New Employee Types - We have added a few new employee types: Senior Pastor Bi-Vocational, Associate Pastor Bi-Vocational and Lay Minister.

    New Provider added to Contribution Import - We have added Subsplash to the Import function of contributions.

    Bug Fixes:
    When entering a new check, the amount box would pre-fill with 0.00. This has been removed. A problem with the reconciled balance below the checkbook register was fixed.
    Version 6.01: A problem with not being able to change the check number has been fixed.
    Version 6.02: The following bugs were fixed: Form 941 not printing correctly, the add Deduction/Benefit button on payroll not working and the Everything backup not working.
    Version 6.03: A couple of problems with restoring contributions have been fixed.
    Version 6.04: When clicking the fund of an existing contribution entry, the list would not always have the correct fund selected. This bug has been fixed.

    This page last updated:  12/30/2024.