How to handle Unreconciled transactions in previous Fiscal Years that never cleared.

To handle Uncleared/Unreconciled Transactions that have been lost, were erroneously posted or will never clear:

  1. Select the fiscal year that has the Unreconciled Transactions.
  2. Right click on the R? column of any transaction on the Bank Transaction Register. This will move all Unreconciled Transactions to the top of the list.
  3. Do 1 of the following:
    • Delete the UnReconciled transactions.
    • OR Edit each UnReconciled transaction and change the AMOUNT to $0.00.
    • OR Post an Income Adjustment dated the last day of that Fiscal Year for the OPPOSITE $ Amount of the TOTAL of the UnReconciled Items.
      In the Example above, the Total of the 2 UnReconciled items is -544.75 (-650.00+105.25), so the Adjustment Amount needed to offset would be a Positive 544.75. Post to the Church/General Operations Internal Account.
      Income Adjustment
  4. Update the Starting Balances in ALL subsequent Fiscal Years to match the Previous Year Ending Balances:
    Select the next Fiscal Year, then Click Here for Instructions to Update Starting Balance.