NTS Error: Table is Busy.
NTS Error: Error Opening/Creating Tables

These suggestions are only for NTS versions PRIOR TO 5.00. If you have NTS version 5.00 or above, please contact us directly for assistance. Our contact information is at the bottom of this page.

First, check to make sure you do not have NTS open twice on your computer. You can check by looking at your task bar for more than one NTS icon. If you have NTS open twice, close both instances of NTS. Now, open NTS and log in again. This should clear the error.

These errors can also be caused by a problem with the database engine. If you do not have NTS open twice and you receive the error, close NTS and reboot or restart your computer. This will clear any errors within the database engine.

If that does not clear the problem, take a close look at the error message. You may see an instance like the one below. In the example below, the table that is busy is located in the "C:\Progra~1\NTSwin\Report.dir" folder. If this is the case for you, open "My Computer" and navigate to the Report.dir folder. This folder will be located in the C:\Program Files\NTSwin folder. Delete all files within the Report.dir folder. Try to access NTS again.

If all previous suggestions fail to clear up the message, do the following. Close all programs and reboot or restart your computer. Open NTS and go to the backup screen. If you are having a problem with the contributions, make a backup of your contributions data. If you are having a problem with the Checkbook, Reports or Payroll screens, make a backup of your Checkbook data. For ease of making a backup, we suggest you backup your data to your C: drive. After you successfully make a backup, restore your data from the backup you just made.

If you still get the error message, please contact us. Our contact information is at the bottom of this page.

Table Busy Error