The amount of exemptions for World Evangelism Fund is the total Mission Specials (or 10% Approved Specials) paid by the church. Exemptions do not count until the amount has been paid. Exemption amounts such as Alabaster will not appear on the Allocation Report as an exemption until the check has been written to send in the offering.
In order for exemptions to appear on the Allocation report, the expense accounts for these special offerings must be linked to the report. To link an expense account to the Allocation Report Mission Specials:
- From the Checkbook screen, click on Setup and then Allocations.
- On the left side of the setup screen, click on Mission Specials in the Allocation list. Expense accounts that are already linked to Missions Special will be listed in the Expense Account Link list on the right side of the screen.
Click the
button above the Expense Account Link list. A list of all your expense accounts will appear on the right side of the screen.
Find the expense accounts for mission specials and double click on each account to add it to
the link list.
NOTE: Expense account names that have a prefix of a year, such as 13/14 or 14/15, are accounts for that specific year. Accounts without a year prefix, are accounts for the current fiscal year and will be the accounts that need to be linked 99.9% of the time.
Once all accounts have been linked, close the expense account list by clicking the
button at the upper left corner of the list.
To remove a link, click on the expense account name in the link list and then click the
button above the expense account link list.
Here are some examples of expense accounts that should be linked to mission specials. You may not have all the accounts listed here. Only the accounts you have need to be linked. You do not need to add any accounts listed here that are not already in your expense account list.
Alabaster, Deputation, Links, Compassionate Ministries, Child Sponsorship, Crisis Care Kits, Nazarene Bible College, Nazarene Theological Seminary and all other 10% Approved Specials.